Bus Information

Many of our day students use local bus transport to get to and from school each day. There are a range of options available, depending on your location.

School Bus Services (SBS) – GOVERNMENT/FREE

Students from rural areas and students with special needs are entitled to free bus services to and from school. These services are the responsibility of School Bus Services (SBS) and all applications for travel on these buses need to go through SBS. Forms and contact information are available on the SBS website.

Please contact the relevant SBS Office for your area:

  • Greater Bunbury/Capel /Donnybrook: (08) 9326 2576
  • Harvey: (08) 9326 2963
  • Collie: (08) 9326 2063
  • Busselton/Margaret River: (08) 9326 2784
  • Dunsborough: (08) 9326 2784

Under SBS eligibility criteria for bus transport assistance, students travelling from south of Busselton may be approved on a complimentary status rather than being approved as eligible for bus transport assistance. Please refer to the SBS website for more information.

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School students travelling from Dunsborough, Yallingup and surrounds can apply for bus transport assistance from School Bus Services (SBS) but places on this service (Bus 22) are extremely limited and students must be eligible for bus transport assistance.  Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School students are approved as eligible for bus transport assistance only if there are no vacancies in their enrolling year group at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School at the time of application to SBS for bus transport assistance.

Students travelling from Busselton and surrounds can apply for bus transport assistance from School Bus Services (SBS) but places on this service (Buses 24 and 29) are limited. Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School students are approved as eligible for bus transport assistance only if there are no vacancies in their enrolling year group at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School at the time of application to SBS for bus transport assistance. Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School students may be approved for complimentary travel but this will only be available whilst there are available seats on the bus that are not required for students approved as eligible for bus transport assistance.

Please refer to the SBS website for more information.

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Private School Bus Service

The School operates three buses to transport students from the Yallingup/Dunsborough/Busselton areas and a an additional service for Eaton and surrounds. These are private services, operated by the School and registration is required to access the service. Families will be charged each term and two weeks notice must be provided if you wish to cease using the service. All students using these services are required to tag on and off using their Student ID cards.

Bus 1 (Yallingup/Dunsborough) Booking Form

Bus 2 (Seymour Blvd, Dunsborough) Booking Form

Bus 3 (Busselton/Vasse) Booking Form

Bus 4 (Eaton and surrounds) Booking Form

(Yallingup/Seymour Blvd/Elmore St, Dunsborough
Pick up location  Drop off location
Depart School 3.30pm
7.10am Caves House, Yallingup Bovell Oval, Busselton 4.00pm
7.30am Seymour Blvd Elmore St 4.25pm
7.40am Elmore St Seymour Blvd 4.35pm
8.35am Direct to School Caves House, Yallingup 4.45pm


(Seymour Blvd, Dunsborough
Pick up location  Drop off location  
Depart School 3.30pm  
 7.35am Seymour Blvd, Dunsborough Bovell Oval, Busselton 4.00pm
 8.35am Direct to School Seymour Boulevard, Dunsborough  4.25pm


Pick up location  Drop off location  
Depart School 3.30pm  
 7.35am Monaghan’s Corner, Abbey Bovell Oval 4.05pm
 7.50am Albert St, Busselton Albert St, Busselton 4.10pm
8.35am Direct to School Vasse Bypass (heading south) 4.25pm


(Eaton and surrounds)
Pick up location  Drop off location  
Depart School 3.30pm  
 7.35am Pelican Point (Old Coast Road after Venezia Blvd) Pelican Point (Old Coast Road after Venezia Blvd) 3.50pm
 7.40am Australind BP Australind BP  3.56pm
7.51am Millbridge Blvd after Swan Ave Millbridge Blvd after Swan Ave 4.07pm
7.57am Recreation Dve before Albatross Cres Recreation Dve before Albatross Cres 4.12pm


Please note the times above in the morning are the time the bus will depart. Please make sure students are at the stop at least five minutes prior to departure. Due to ongoing roadworks on the Bussell Highway, stop times in the afternoon for the services travelling south may be affected.

Please complete the online registration form to secure a seat for your child/ren. Limited seats remain available on all private bus services for 2024. Students who wish to travel on a casual basis need to book directly with the School Finance Office, and a charge of $8.00 per one-way trip will be applicable. If you wish to cease using the service, two weeks notice needs to be provided to the Finance Office. Please direct all queries for these services to bus@bcgs.wa.edu.au or contact (08) 9722 6014.

Other Buses (Fees applicable)

Students who live in the urban areas of Greater Bunbury are serviced by TransBunbury. Students use a smart card which also serves as their School library card. Information on routes is available from the contractors and parents should contact the relevant contractor for their area in the first instance. Please read the TransBunbury information to find out how recent changes to the TransBunbury Bus network may affect you. It is important that new students planning to travel on non-TransBunbury buses to school on the first day are registered with the appropriate bus company. Please contact the relevant company:

Bunbury – including as far North as Wildflower way, Marina Waters beyond Australind
Bunbury City Transit: (08) 9796 9500
Harvey/Boyanup/Wellington Mills/Yarloop
BusWest: (08) 9725 4456
Myalup/Settlers/Preston Beach/Binningup/Elgin/Donnybrook/Stratham/Capel
Buswest: (08) 9725 4470 or (08) 9725 4456
Stirling (South of the Capel River)
Gerald Harrison (08) 9791 4740
Busselton/Margaret River/Collie
Veolia TransBusselton: (08) 9753 7700
School Bus Services: (08) 9326 2576  Please refer to SBS information at the top of the page, applications to be made via www.schoolbuses.wa.gov.au

Guidelines for Bus Travel

The School has specific guidelines for student behaviour during bus travel to maximise the safety and comfort of other passengers. Bunbury Grammar students are expected to behave in a respectful and courteous manner to the bus driver and fellow passengers at all times. Bus travel presents an opportunity for self-discipline, self-regulation, and teamwork from all students. Read the Guidelines for Bus Travel for more information.


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