
Years 3 to 4

Students continue to build on the knowledge developed in the preceding years. Inquiry-driven learning is complemented by Visible Thinking processes and promoting a Growth Mindset mentality within these eight and nine-year-old children. Our dynamic teaching staff have high expectations of all the students and seek to develop programs that accommodate the individual’s needs. While the core areas of literacy and numeracy are a focus, other learning areas are also highly valued and students are exposed to a wide range of sporting and cultural activities. Student engagement and igniting a love of learning is the key goal; this is achieved through our inspirational educators, small group learning and targeted support, to ensure students of all abilities are able to learn and develop at their own level. Extension programs are available for students in these years who start to display strengths in the areas of literacy and numeracy.

Students continue to expand their knowledge of music, with all Year 3 students learning a string instrument as part of the Music program. From participating in their first swimming carnival or school production to a variety of excursions and overnight camps, we continue to expand students’ knowledge and encourage greater independence outside of the classroom.

Years 5 and 6

Our Year 5 students consolidate the learning of previous years, building on two central pillars of the School: Positive Education and using a Growth Mindset. Visible and critical thinking techniques seek to expand on prior learning and while there is a greater focus on more structured classroom teaching, co-operation, collaboration and group-work remain significant modes of learning. Students are further immersed in the world of music, with each child able to learn a woodwind or brass instrument, culminating in a performance towards the end of the program.

Year 6 students enjoy the opportunity to learn more about leadership and to further explore their Character Strengths.  An innovative concept of ‘Semester Leaders’ provides more than half of the cohort with the opportunity to experience a leadership position. The expectations of Year 6 students are significant, across all aspects of School life; extension programs are tailored towards these students and include incursions, excursions, presentations and competitions such as Maths Olympiad, Tournament of Minds and Speaking Challenges. Through collaborative projects and open-ended tasks, students refine their critical and creative thinking techniques to provide the perfect foundation for Secondary School at Bunbury Grammar.  A highlight for the year is the annual Canberra camp, which provides students with a variety of challenges and unique learning experiences.

Our upper Primary students also become more intensively involved in our Round Square initiatives and these provide the opportunity for students to develop their own service projects, to delve deeper into sustainable practices, to further develop their leadership skills and to attend interstate and even international conferences. The challenges and broad range of opportunities available to our students provides for a rich and diverse learning environment that helps to ensure they thrive and flourish.

Limited places in some year groups. Apply today.


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