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Learning beyond the classroom

Camps are an integral and unique experience within our School. Our School offers a unique and extensive camps program for students starting from Year 1, all the way up to secondary school. Primary Camp Co-ordinator, Mr Geoff Dunbar, elaborates about the primary programs.

The Primary School Camps this year from Year 1 to 6 were varied, exciting, challenging and very enjoyable for both staff and students. Although most camps are essentially a repeat of the previous year, they are always tweaked to ensure the best opportunities are presented.

The Year 5 camp to Perth is held in February each year. Ms Fleur Schell, an internationally acclaimed ceramic artist, allowed us into her studio to view her completed and on going work. Ms Schell then worked with the students to provide an amazing experience and addition to this camp, that hopefully can be repeated for many years to come.

In May, Year 3 students went to Pemberton and, in June, Year 4 students to Dryandra. Year 3 have gone to Bridgetown for many years but with the Camp School closing, an opportunity was presented for change. Year 3 experienced the awe and excitement of Yaegarup Dunes. A wonder that very few people from WA have even seen.

Year 4 explored Dryandra, 40km northeast of Williams. At the heart of Dryandra is Barna Mia, a predator-proof enclosure. On a very cold, late June night, with torches in hand and very warm clothes on, students got to see up close and at times quite personally, many endangered WA animals: bilby, woylie, mala, quenda and boodie and of course, brush tailed possums. Also spotted during the four days were echidnas, numbats, kangaroos (even an albino kangaroo), wallabies and many birds.

Year 6 went to Canberra! After the COVID affected years it was great to be back in Canberra. So many highlights and challenges for the students on the eight-day trip. The awe of seeing New and Old Parliament House to the sadness and reverence of the War Memorial. Skiing was a huge challenge for many. The perseverance required by many students to finally get up and get going was inspiring. Effort brings such great rewards.

Finally, where it all starts: the overnight Year 1 and 2 camp to Margaret River. No whales were spotted this year but a spectacular show of flowers by the dune plants on the walk from Left Handers Car Park to Ellensbrook was enjoyed. Pimelea in bloom is hard to beat. Staying overnight, away from parents, for many students is a huge challenge. New experiences of washing and drying their own dishes, packing up their sleeping bag and of course spending two days away with their friends.

Our camp experiences aim to challenge, excite and educate our students, building resilience and extending the learning that happens each day in the classroom.

Mr Geoff Dunbar :: Primary Camp Co-ordinator


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