
Recording our history

The Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Archive works to preserve the history and tradition of the School. It is a vital part of our unique identity and cultural heritage. Our collection, dating back to 1967, provides an excellent account of the planning and development of the School including: 

  • Provisional Council, Governance and Head of School Records
  • Staff and Student Records
  • Uniforms, Trophies, Art Works and Memorabilia
  • Audio Visual Material
  • Oral History Recordings
  • Complete sets of School Publications

Access to the collection is available through the School Archivist, Mrs Ros Malone, by appointment. Volunteers are encouraged and can undertake a variety of tasks under the guidance of the School Archivist. Please contact Mrs Malone on (08) 9722 6145 or email

Resources managed through the Archives capture the evidential and historical record of the School. Historic photographs and archival items are displayed within the School, and archival records are regularly used within the School Curriculum, especially within the Primary School and the Year 7 program.

Archival materials are used for School publications and to complement student and staff celebrations and reunions. Donations and enquiries are welcome.

Historical documents

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